Strategically Thinking and Planning

When a problem arises it isn't a quick fix or a static problem which requires only a single individual to fix. The environment requires a leader to Probe or Investigate, make Sense of the issue then Respond to it. A Complex Adaptive Environment requires more than one expert or leader to oversee, lead, or make change. The environment is classed as an experimental environment as there are so many different variables to consider.
Cynefin Framework by Stone (2017) in “Leading on complex environments”

What is it about traditional strategic thinking and planning that makes it unsuitable for ensuring sustainability in complex adaptive environments?

Schools are Complex Adaptive Environment and therefore can't rely on linear procedures to tackle issues. The education system is constantly evolving and at rates that are often hard to keep on top of. With changes will always come resistance and is that resistance that cause schools to be complex adaptive environments. For a school to be sustainable, strategic planning and thinking needs to be collaborative and draw on all knowledge by all those involved (teachers, parents, students, etc). School communities need to collectively and consistently evaluate taken-for-granted assumptions about effective teaching, student achievement, and parent involvement, among many other matters. 

How I would use: Distributing control through decentralised networks:

  • Empowering colleagues to lead in areas of strength
  • Strengthen relational trust by distributing responsibilities

How I would use: Creating a common organizational culture:
  • Building trust through identifying common cultural ideas and educational beliefs
  • Setting consistency in routines and school structures

How I would use: Disrupting the status quo and creating disequilibrium:

  • Experiencing new opportunities through teacher inquiry to push a change in pedagogy
  • Introduction of new challenges that ready students for a changing world
  • Minimise constraints on resourcing and PLD opportunities where budget sees fit
  • Having consistency across the school with learning languages
  • Giving more responsibility to staff in areas of expertise and trusting them to perform

How I would use: Reframing the vision, using a paradoxical leadership approach:

  • To flexibly respond to complex, global and dynamic environments
  • Adaptable and resilient to the stresses of change when issues arise
  • Open minded and willing to take a risk regarding innovation and efficiency
  • Open to learning new things and not relying on experience alone

A table of how I would use Adaptive Leadership Behaviours: 

Adaptive Leadership Behaviours
How I would use it....

Disrupting the status quo and creating disequilibrium
    • Experiencing new opportunities through teacher inquiry to push a change in pedagogy
    • Introduction of new challenges that ready students for a changing world
    • Minimise constraints on resourcing and PLD opportunities where budget sees fit
    • Having consistency across the school with learning languages
    • Giving more responsibility to staff in areas of expertise and trusting them to perform

Paradoxical Leadership approach
    • To flexibly respond to complex, global and dynamic environments
    • Adaptable and resilient to the stresses of change when issues arise
    • Open minded and willing to take a risk regarding innovation and efficiency
    • Open to learning new things and not relying on experience alone

Distributing control through Decentralised Networks
    • Empowering colleagues to lead in areas of strength
    • Strengthen relational trust by distributing responsibilities

Creating a Common Organizational Culture
    • Building trust through identifying common cultural ideas and educational beliefs
    • Setting consistency in routines and school structures


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