Activity 2: Reflection on learning and practice

At the beginning of this course back in July 2015, one of the activities we were required to do was ask ourselves which Key Competencies we felt were strengths and which we felt needed developing. There are three that I felt were my strengths: Managing Self, Relating to Others, and Participating and Contributing. The Key Competency that I felt less competent with was Using Language, Symbols and Text.

The Key Competencies I felt I have focussed on the most over the last 24 weeks of studying with the MindLabs have been Thinking, Managing Self, and Participating and Contributing. These haven't just been focussed on for course requirements, but I have found I have had to focus on these areas regarding family and work as well.

The two key areas of change I have made in my own practice has been to:

1. Step aside and observe my student's needs and direct them to solve problems on their own but with some guidance, allowing them to feel comfortable about making mistakes as this is a natural part of learning.

2. Looking at my own practices both as a classroom teacher and as a school leader and how I can improve in these areas that best support my professional practice.

I have found that by focussing on these two areas, my relationship with my students and colleagues has grown in strength and trust significantly.


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