Learner Focused Solutions - Vignette

“In my practice, if anything was possible I would love to shift towards a learner focused program. I imagine this could look like...”. It is term 4 at 8.30 in the morning and I enter into the senior classroom of Year 4 to 8 students. There are a group of students on devices being entertained with Mindcraft. I hear lots of dialogue about who is in what world, what should be built, and comments about one another's building projects. Some students are out of their seats helping younger classroom members. The bell rings to start the day and the students in the senior class automatically begin their days lessons that have been posted on Microsoft Teams. The morning starts off with the normal Maths and Literacy, however, all instruction is given within the Microsoft Teams. I work with the Year 4 students and those who are still low according to the National Progressions. These student are still learning strategies in both learning areas which will help them to work more indepen...