Activity 5: Professional connection map

Mind Map of Professional Connections NB: The dotted lines, although hard to follow, show what areas are connected to one another. During the process the majority of connections were made from me as the Year 4-8 classroom teacher. (Click the image to zoom in) Evaluation of impact two professional connections have had on my practice and professional community. 1. Within the School Connection is the Principal. She is a young and reasonably new principal of a very small school. By having a close working relationship with her, she has given me more responsibility and allowed me to be a part of different runnings of the school. She sees my potential and constantly phrases me on the job I am doing and is helping me to development into a school leader. Her style of leadership is both Distributed and Situational as with the trust she now has, she distributes responsibility out depending on the situation. Because of how she leads, I feel like a valued member of the school. The pr...